set temp0= "ShowHyperText" & QUOTE & "117"& QUOTE set HyperTextList = [ #41:temp0] set VideoList = [] @ BROILED SKEWERED CHICKEN Bone the chicken and cut the flesh into large cubes. Place them in a bowl with the olive oil and the juice of half grapefruit. Add salt and pepper and mix together well. Marinade for 5 hours. Peel the grapefruit of all pith and skin and cut in skinless sections. Before cooking, drain the chicken and alternatively place chicken, grapefruit and bacon on skewers. Sprinkle with paprika and broil, turning several times. @ 1 3 lb chicken 2 grapefruit 3/4 lb slab bacon, cut in strips 1/2 cup olive oil salt, pepper paprika @ 10 mn @ 10 mn @ If you have the chance to cook over an open fire, it will taste better. @ @ Poultry, Game @ @ @